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Vision and Mission

British Education Korea’s mission is to provide an outstanding British / International education in Korea where real learning for the future is the focus. British Education Korea’s students act responsibly and are aware of the world around them and their place in it. They grow up confident, well-rounded individuals, who are equipped with the skills and confidence to face the future and succeed as global citizens of tomorrow.


Ambition : Attention : Achievement

An ambitious group providing outstanding individual attention and care, helping every child achieve more than they thought possible

Strategic Intent

The 3 core areas of focus of the BEK Strategic Plan agreed by the Group Leadership Team, and which support the group’s Vision are:

  1. Students are at the heart our schools
  2. Learning is the focus of all that we do
  3. We will grow our organisation to provide opportunities in different areas for an increasing number of students whose families want them to have a British international education

Guiding Principles

Our ‘guiding principles’ define our aims and who we are; our approach to teaching, our behaviour, and our decision making. We believe that BEK:

  1. Provides happy, secure, purposeful environments where every student is encouraged, nurtured and inspired
  2. Through smaller school environments, encourages happiness, which breeds success, building self-confidence and developing each child’s academic potential
  3. Is reflective, forward-thinking, and innovative in our approach to learning, building links with parents and the local community, as well as celebrating cultures from around the world
  4. Combines creativity, teamwork and tolerance with a hunger and curiosity to learn and a strong will to succeed
  5. Is a ‘Force for Good’ in Korea, combining the best of East and West, seeking opportunities to serve the community collaborating and share both locally and internationally

Our Guiding Statements provide us with a distinct identity and strong sense of direction. They capture the essence of who we are and what we stand for. They are supported by our group values as summarised below


Courage : Compassion : Confidence

The aims of the BEK group and our schools are underpinned by 3 core values, which define our personality. They are Courage, Compassion, and Confidence.